This will replace container entrypoint with automated software made by CLORE.AI which will automatically deploy SSH server into your container. This entrypoint install S6 overlay to together run SSH and onstart script. The username for ssh is rootOnstart configuration
The custom entrypoint will create script /root/onstart.sh which will be runned on start of container.It is important to take into account, that the SSH might take some time to install on first run of the container, so if you are planning on automatically start an app on start of your container we recommend:
1. If using custom container put /root/onstart.sh file into your container
2. Using startup script
Startup script in clore runs only the first time the container is started, might be usefull to auto install apps into your container when starting it. In this case we will use it to create the onstart.sh scriptThis is example of startup script (In clore order settings), that installs screen and then adds command to run screen named example into /root/onstart.sh
Then in the end it calls s6-svc to restart the onstart service, which if s6 is already installed will start the newly put in commands on the other hand if s6 isn't fully deployed yet it will do nothing and when s6 is deployed it will run your commands in onstart.sh on the first run
#!/bin/sh export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt update -y apt install screen -y echo "screen -dmS example bash" >> /root/onstart.sh s6-svc -r /var/run/s6/services/onstart
3. Final notes
- Images that force other user than root as default don't work- Based on machine specs, the setup of SSH might take up to few minutes, please give it time even after it says image status as deployed.
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