CLORE.AI Statement


We have decided to make statement for what is happening at to help better know our community.

Many of you might question development last days with not so many updates on social networks. We are currently focusing on fiat currency payments on the platform, it is not just a simple thing, many things needs to be completed.

You might ask „why do i think fiat currency payment are some important?
It is a way to open door to real world companies using marketplace for their business, currently it is expected that 90% of computing power on marketplace is used to cryptocurrency mining. Which isn't a bad thing, it is valid use case for the hardware and it is important can be used for any workload and is censorship resistant to any kind of workload.

Companies for AI, rendering, transcoding, analytics usages are expected to pay hosting providers bigger and more stable income to hosting providers and we should open door to them with fiat currency (USD) payments to them and contact them about our distributed GPUaaS service.

Also the marketplace usage is actually great 4800+ orders were placed and for GPU usage you can look at this chart:

Total GPUS/Rented GPUs
chart from 01/19 2023

As for social media presence i am getting great suggestions for CLORE Blockchain enhancements, but mostly it is just a CLORE Blockchain price talk, something i am not that short term interested, so it is hard for me to only hear about the price and make it better and how „not much“ is happening,
i am alone on this project and rather spend a hour making the marketplace development work than in discord for example hearing great suggestions  (❤️ You community), then thinking about them, you are trying to help this project i understand, but things can't be implemented quickly, $ETH for example Proof-Of-Stake development took years, here in clore we are still on track with our roadmap

CLORE.AI roadmap

CLORE Blockhain roadmap

I wanted to say thank you all project supporters, hosting providers and clients. I really appreciate you being here alongside this project, development is going great, currently it is in about 60% of fiat payments development process, can't wait to announce it when it will be ready. ❤️

Stay in touch with us